Executive Report
The M&E Industry's Need for Digital Transformation

Executive Summary
The world has changed. For media companies, doing nothing is not an option.
2020 has exposed us to extreme, unwelcome change. But with the right strategic choices, media companies can not only survive intact, but stronger and better prepared for the future than ever.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned through hindsight, it’s that doing nothing is not an option. We’re going to look at exactly what you can do to protect your media business against disruption, and to get it to a place where it can flourish. Remarkably, the very measures designed to mitigate disaster can boost productivity, quality and revenue.
In this report, we’ll look at the most pressing business imperatives for surviving change:
How to avoid production disruption, and the strategies and tools that will enable remote operations in the short term while providing your business with a long term solution.
Learn why *80% of M&E CFOs are implementing cost-containment measures to deal with the financial fallout brought on by unforeseen challenges, and how they’re embracing cloud-based collaboration tools to enable growth and flexibility.
Mitigating risk to revenue by protecting the quality of your output and why your employees are your most important asset.
Having the best people on your team equates to producing the best content. What are you doing to retain those people? How are you taking advantage of a distributed workforce to hire the best of the best? Protect your best assets and you protect your source of revenue.
Strategic business continuity and why this must be viewed as more than disaster recovery.
The challenges brought on by 2020 have forced media companies to rethink their approach to business continuity. Why opt for a back-up generator when you can choose a solution that will work without any interruption, no matter what? Prepare your business for the worst with a flexible infrastructure that can withstand any storm - you’ll be soaring past the competition in good times and bad.
Surviving change: An introduction to three critical M&E business imperatives
Expect the best. Prepare for the worst...
and capitalize on what comes. The late Zig Ziglar. These words could not be more applicable than they are today, as businesses in every sector, including Media & Entertainment, have experienced 'the worst'.
Now is the time to capitalize.
Quite independently of 2020’s unusual circumstances, technology has been changing with increasing speed and many of these trends are exponential. Rapid change makes it harder to predict the future. It widens the gap between likely outcomes. The only way to confidently face a future like this is to invest in technology that will be valid in the widest possible range of eventualities. While this might sound at best vague and at worst impossible, there are four steps you can take to mitigate future threats and even emerge on the other side in better shape.
1: Avoid disrupted production
When the world changed in early 2020, businesses had to figure out, almost overnight, how to function with a remote workforce. Some couldn’t at all: hospitality and events companies have had a particularly hard time. But many organizations were able to carry on almost uninterrupted. Accountants, banks and even call centers found that they could quickly pivot to a remote operation, essentially virtualizing their businesses.
In the world of Media & Entertainment, and for video professionals there were additional hurdles. It’s much easier to send spreadsheets and database results over a home broadband connection than gigantic high-resolution video files.
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